14 జులై 2010

We are all the one, the world is one

We are all the one...........

We are all the one
Black or white, the blood is red,
zero or one, the computer works for everyone,
boy or girl, for every machine, its only "one",
we are living on earth, earth is one for everyone,
though there are so many planets, the sun is one, the moon is one.
We are all the ONE.
the oxygen is one, which we are breathing,
Religion or caste its none, the God is one,
language or expression none, feeling is one,
drink or food are none, hungriness is one.
We all are one, remaining are none.
male or female, the humanity is one,
Views are so many, but the thing is one, the nature is one,
It's for everyone, all has to be done.

Note: I used "None" instead of "Nothing" for rhyming.